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Hawaiian Sacred Sites

Heiau means temple. A place where they would come to pray, mediate and hold ceremonies to honor the Hawaiian Gods. There are a few Heiaus throughout the islands of Hawaii. This one, Kaneaki Heiau, is on the west coast of Oahu is thought to have been built in the 15th or 16th Century. It was dedicated to Lono, the God of harvest and fertility. Prayers and offerings to the harvest God would secure the crops for the area. In ancient times, only Chiefs and Priests were allowed into some of these Heiau.

It was a great honor that I was taken to this beautiful Hawaiian temple. It is actually on private property and although supposed to be open to the public, access seemed quite difficult. I am sure this is because it is very sacred to the indigenous people and they are careful to preserve the sites and honor the spirits there. I was blessed to be taken there by a local Hawaiian who follows the tradition and is a descendant of a Kahuna. I wasn’t allowed to film there, except a few phone pics and clips.

There is a very large stone that I was very much drawn to. It is probably 30 feet high and about 20 feet across. I hugged it for ages and got quite a buzz from its energy. How it got there is a mystery. There are no others like it in the area. This stone is called “Pohaku o Kane” or “Stone of Kane”. Kane is one of the main Gods and so this stone watches over the heiau sacred site.

Later in the early nineteenth century King Kamehameha I, rededicated this temple to “Ku” the God of war. For several decades, prayer and meditation would have been more directed to success in battle. Some say human sacrifices may have been done here. Perhaps this is why I did not feel comfortable entering the area in front of the offering altar.

Then after King Kamehameha the site returned to a focus on Lono and harvests for the area.

IN 1819 King Kamehameha II abolished the Heiau and the kapu system. He banned the practice of ceremony and the kahunas.

Kaneana Cave, Makua

Located near Mauka Beach, about one mile before the end of Farrington Highway. Kaneana cave is about 150,000 years old and was once underwater, carved by the sea. Currently it stands one hundred feet high and four hundred fifty feet deep right on Farrington Hwy. Legend has it that there was an ancient shark-man deity who made his home in this sea cave would disguise himself as a human and lure his victims into the cave, then turn into a shark and devour them.

Magical Birthing Stones For the blessing of a child or a new project

These are the magical Birthing Stones, found on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Their original origin and purpose is not completely know as they are believed to have been there for thousands of years. It is known that they have been used as a scared site for the last several centuries as the Birthing Stones for the royal families. The queen would come here when she was about to give birth. All the royal members and high priests would gather here for this important moment. The royal birth would take place on one of the stones. The infant King or Queen was then taken away by the priests where they would be raised in secrecy. This was done to place the infant in hiding for protection. It is also believed the child would be raised to learn the sacred secrets of the high priests.

Just like Stonehenge there is great mystery as to where these stones came from. They are impressively large and must have been moved from long distances to be placed here. Something we are not capable of today. When I first came to visit this site, I was very impressed by the high energy. Those remotely sensitive can feel it. It is not too highly visited and if you go early at a quiet time you can often get time alone. You can even lay on the stones and will find several quite comfortable. You can lay quietly and allow yourself to drift into meditation. I got visions of several ceremonies dating back far before these birthings. I believe these stones were used as a birthing place because they were already know as a place of very high energy.

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