Success Coach
Success Coach
Success Coach
Gail has appeared on FOX, NBC, CBS, Hallmark Channel, Home & Family, Fox & Friends, Good Morning San Diego, Good Day Today,Today Show, Channel 5 News and many more.

Philippine Healers
April 8th – 15th 2015
An amazing opportunity to tour the Philippines and experience the Filipino psychic surgeons. A rare opportunity to visit real healers and see psychic surgery (spiritual healing with opening of the body). Most of the trip will be a retreat/workshop experience where you will learn spiritual healing from me and from the psychic surgeon Ambrosio.
Space very limited - RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW
Cost $2995
Add Tour Bali Apr 1st – 8th both trip total $4495
Includes transport to/from airport, accommodations, all meals, day trips. Healing session fees and donations.
Upgrade to single room $400
$400 deposit. $800 due 60 days prior to retreat. Remainder due 30 days prior to retreat
When we receive your deposit we will contact you to give you further information regarding flights
and to discuss the room options. You can also contact us with questions at
All hotels – in Manila and Baguio
All meals
Transport to/from airport. Coach to Baguio and transport to healers.
Healing sessions, donations and fees
Coaching with Gail on spiritual healing
Coaching with psychic healer Ambrosio
At least one psychic surgery experience on yourself.
Psychic opening from Gail
Opening of the chakras from Ambrosio
Spa visit in Manila
We will fly into Manila and stay for one day and one night on arrival and also on the way back.
In Manila we will see a spiritual healer Anthony. The next day we will travel up to Baguio, a town up in the mountains where many of the Filipino healers are based.
Baguio - Is about a 6 hour bus ride and this is the only way to get there. The bus is at least a luxury coach. In Baguio we will visit a few different psychic healers. You will spend the majority of the time working with me and Amrosio. We will be staying in the Baguio mountains and this will be a retreat style/ workshop experience. I will be teaching spiritual healing and Reiki “psychic surgery.” Ambrosio will teach magnetic healing and demonstrate psychic surgery (with the opening of the body). He will also open your chakras to increase your healing abilities. This will be an intense healing experience and you will learn and increase your own abilities. I do not expect that you will be able to perform psychic surgery (opening the body) as many take years to develop this. You will learn psychic surgery and magnetic healing and your healing intuition and channeling should greatly increase. You will receive at least one healing and psychic surgery from Ambrosio. You may receive healing from other practitioners.
Accommodations - We will stay in a hotel in Manila. This is a small business style hotel. It is attached to a full spa and you will get chance to relax and rejuvenate. In Baguio we will be staying at Camp John Hay. This was a military base established in the 1920s. Of course it has been updated but the accommodations are still very basic. There are private and shared rooms. They all do have in room bathrooms with showers. The hotel is reminiscent of a large wooden cabins in the mountains of the pine forest. Think summer ski lodge. Don’t expect too much.
Meals - Breakfast is buffet style at the hotel and usually includes eggs and pancakes. Most evening meals will be at restaurants in town. The Philippines has a strong connection to America and so you will find a lot of American choices. You will also find Indonesian food. I found that the food is not very healthy. You can sometimes get fresh salads and fruit but they eat a lot of processed food. There are vegetarian option. To be honest the food is not great!

Baguio Hotel

Hotel Baguio
In the woods, simple cabin style
Insurance / Refunds
It is strongly recommended that you get travel insurance for your trip. Usually they will reimburse you all or some of your flight and tour costs, in case of illness or family emergency (check your policy). Without insurance generally travel tours are not refundable. However we understand that plans sometimes change and if you have to cancel, a portion of the tour price may be applied to a future tour or event with Gail for you or your friend anytime within one year. The portion of the price applied will be 100% if more than 30 days prior to travel, 50% if within 30 days of travel, 0% if within 3 days of travel. The “non refundable deposit” is non refundable.
Flights -We will help you with flights but they are not included. Flights between Bali and the Philippines are inexpensive. After you sign up we will contact you to coordinate flights. " After you have paid your deposit, please wait to hear from us before you book your flights so that we can coordinate your arrival and departure times."
Add Tour to Bali Apr 1st - 8th both trips together total $4495
Add on the trip to Bali. I encourage you to do both trips, however please note they are quite different. Bali will be a great sight-seeing trip at a nice boutique hotel. The Philippines is for those really interested in learning more about spiritual healing but not sight-seeing at all. Accommodations are much more basic. Bali is more of a vacation. The Philippines is a more intense learning experience. We will help you with flights but they are not included. Flights between Bali and the Philippines are inexpensive.
More info about Bali click here
Read more about Psychic Surgery – I have written many articles about the Ambrosio and the healers on my BLOG click here